
What Animal Would I Be Reincarnated As

10 yrs ago - Saturday 4/21/12 - five:05:22 PM EST (GMT-5)

It is ordinarily believed that when we dice, we are reborn as another animal at some point. To find out what you will be reincarnated as you should take this quiz.

10 yrs ago - Saturday four/21/12 - 10:39:00 PM EST (GMT-v)


Your strength, stiff volition and loyalty represents a wolf. You are suited to living the life of a wolf and volition most likely become i in your next life.

Awesome quiz! That would be awesome if I was reincarnated!

10 yrs ago - Lord's day 4/22/12 - 12:41:57 AM EST (GMT-5)

Y'all have the ability to learn things quickly. Your brain can hold lots of knowledge and you are very able to share all your knowledge with friends and family who need help. Yous volition be reincarnated as an owl.
Great quiz

10 yrs agone - Sunday 4/22/12 - 9:16:38 AM EST (GMT-v)


You have been described as mysterious earlier. Sometimes, you may experience like you lot are misunderstood. Notwithstanding, you lot have peachy intelligence that should come in utilise when you are a crow. Crows can read traffic lights! When the light is on crimson, they put a nut onto the road. Then they will fly off until the light is on green. When the nut has been croaky past a car, the crow will get and consume the seed when the traffic light is on blood-red again. You should discover your side by side life peaceful and easy!

Cool, love crows! :)

10 yrs ago - Lord's day 4/22/12 - 7:04:59 PM EST (GMT-5)


You take the power to learn things quickly. Your brain can hold lots of knowledge and you are very able to share all your knowledge with friends and family unit who demand assist. You volition be reincarnated as an owl.

10 yrs agone - Monday 4/23/12 - 9:49:xvi AM EST (GMT-5)


Cats are cool, secretive and somewhat reserved. You take similar traits to a cat so you volition probably get one after decease. Cats have an easy life - no school, no responsibilities, no work. So enjoy being a true cat when the time comes!

10 yrs agone - Monday iv/23/12 - 9:49:47 AM EST (GMT-v)

I'one thousand a deer? Nah, I'm not that shy or gentle. I am warning, though.

10 yrs ago - Monday 4/23/12 - 12:36:36 PM EST (GMT-5)


You take the power to learn things quickly. Your brain can hold lots of noesis and you are very able to share all your knowledge with friends and family unit who need help. You volition be reincarnated as an owl.

10 yrs ago - Monday 4/23/12 - 1:49:33 PM EST (GMT-5)


Your forcefulness, stiff will and loyalty represents a wolf. You lot are suited to living the life of a wolf and will most likely become one in your adjacent life.

10 yrs agone - Monday 4/23/12 - ii:28:26 PM EST (GMT-5)


Your strength, strong volition and loyalty represents a wolf. Y'all are suited to living the life of a wolf and will most probable become 1 in your next life.

10 yrs ago - Mon four/23/12 - four:58:27 PM EST (GMT-v)


Cats are cool, secretive and somewhat reserved. Y'all have similar traits to a true cat so you will probably become one after decease. Cats have an like shooting fish in a barrel life - no school, no responsibilities, no piece of work. So relish being a cat when the time comes!

x yrs agone - Tuesday 4/24/12 - 12:40:19 AM EST (GMT-v)

Ima owl

ten yrs ago - Tuesday 4/24/12 - half dozen:53:20 AM EST (GMT-5)


Your forcefulness, strong will and loyalty represents a wolf. Yous are suited to living the life of a wolf and will most likely become 1 in your next life.

i was thinking of a tiger

10 yrs ago - Tuesday four/24/12 - three:23:00 PM EST (GMT-5)

I'll be a crow
Thats nice.. very nice
Cool quiz!!
You rock quiz maker!!
"Rock information technology like polly pocket"

10 yrs ago - Tuesday 4/24/12 - 6:36:58 PM EST (GMT-v)

i luved this quiz cuz i gotta wolf i like wolfs and i decline to eat them considering you never know that could have been my friend someone i will know or a future family unit member simply anyways luved it
xoxo i gotta get

10 yrs ago - Tuesday four/24/12 - nine:31:00 PM EST (GMT-five)

wolf! cool

10 yrs ago - Wednesday 4/25/12 - x:07:26 PM EST (GMT-5)

Cat !
Ha , I'thousand a kitty kat && I trip the light fantastic,Dance, dance,trip the light fantastic,dance !!!!!!!

x yrs ago - Midweek 4/25/12 - xi:17:07 PM EST (GMT-5)

What Animal will you lot exist Reincarnated as?


Your force, strong volition and loyalty represents a wolf. You are suited to living the life of a wolf and volition most likely become one in your next life.

x yrs ago - Th iv/26/12 - 11:44:xix AM EST (GMT-v)

On 4/24/2012 half-dozen:36:59 PM sam99 wrote:
i luved this quiz cuz i gotta wolf i like wolfs and i refuse to eat them considering you never know that could have been my friend someone i will know or a future family unit member merely anyways luved it xoxo i gotta go

LOL chur weird.

10 yrs ago - Sat 4/28/12 - 7:50:12 PM EST (GMT-five)

Well first of all not trying to be mean at all only most people dont believe in recarnation like me. merely nonetheless cool quiz

9 yrs ago, 11 mos ago - Tuesday v/viii/12 - ane:49:41 PM EST (GMT-5)


You have the power to acquire things speedily. Your encephalon tin hold lots of knowledge and you are very able to share all your noesis with friends and family unit who need aid. You will be reincarnated as an owl.

I Love OWLS! overnice pitcher

nine yrs ago, eight mos ago - Mon 8/13/12 - 1:08:53 AM EST (GMT-5)


Your strength, stiff will and loyalty represents a wolf. You lot are suited to living the life of a wolf and volition most likely become one in your next life.

9 yrs ago, ane mos agone - Sunday 3/17/13 - 1:08:44 PM EST (GMT-5)

wolf yes! i love wolfs

9 yrs ago, 1 mos ago - Sunday three/17/thirteen - 4:30:35 PM EST (GMT-five)

I got Wolf absurd

Wolf Your strength, strong will and loyalty represents a wolf. Y'all are suited to living the life of a wolf and will most likely become i in your next life.

9 yrs ago, ane mos ago - Sunday iii/17/13 - four:45:32 PM EST (GMT-five)

YAY! im a equus caballus! Love horses!


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